17 prompt lists for October 2023 Art Challenge!!!
I found and collected some OCTOBER PROMPTS! use any prompt list any day of October Use any medium, digital or traditional Post your art in our Discord in the #Monthly-Art-Challenge. Free to Join! https://discord.gg/Aztw26azaZ prompt list: https://www.instagram.com/retrosupply/ #FrightFall2023 and #RetroSupply https://www.instagram.com/drawtober/ #drawtober2023 https://www.instagram.com/mabgraves/ #mabsdrawlloweenclub https://www.instagram.com/inktober/ #inktober2023 https://www.instagram.com/sharkingdaily/ #seatober23 https://www.instagram.com/smalltownspells/ #Spelltober23 https://www.instagram.com/elmiedoavolar/ #nonsensetober23 https://www.instagram.com/melosprout/ #melotober2023 https://www.instagram.com/peachtober/ #peachtober23 https://www.instagram.com/veryberrydraws/ #stilltober https://www.instagram.com/marylouchalon/ #happytober23 https://www.instagram.com/queensquirrelart/ #queensdrawtober2023 https://www.instagram.com/purplefishtank/ #stingotober2023 https://www.instagram.com/its_minuitae/ #creepytales2023 https://www.instagram.com/hallowedstudios/ #hallowedspooktober2023 https://www.facebook.com/groups/hotrodinktober #hotrodinktober2023 https://www.instagram.com/scbwi/ #SCBWIartober2023 When I first launched Vector Maestros years ago, the word maestro was for the word "teacher" or "instructor" in Spanish. I created a few characters with a karate theme so that the ultimate vector maestro was a teacher and each level of the vector maestro course would have a label/title that reflected their growth. Those characters are now lost to time, but I kept the word Maestro since I believe that there is a story there. The word Maestro is also used for an orchestra conductor and I hadn't found a way to use that idea. Then years later, The Sketchyverse was born during one of my livestreams and a big storyline came together where they were other characters in a big universe. I published a few of these characters and held on tot he story for later. The current crop of Sketchys were created to tell that story AND to populate the Vector Maestros website. The story is coming soon, but below are some of the latest Sketchy characters to fill the website for now! The idea is to have a cool little character to bring attention to the content of the site. But are they too plain? Then Jimmy Flame suggested I make the character an actual orchestra conductor, and then other ideas started to flow so here we are.
The Sketchys for the Vector Maestros website are two types: iconic art history characters and orchestra conductors/maestros. More to come! |
Vector Maestrospaths, anchors and bezier curves manipulators. Archives
August 2024